Eway bill : The leap of faith for entering into better and Corrupt free India

CIO Review Team | Monday, 26 March 2018, 10:47 IST

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History so far : E Way bill, the talks of which were speculated for a long time since the enrollment of GST was finally given a shape and structure and authority for roll out in the 22nd GST Council meeting and it was decided that the nationwide Eway bill be introduced from 1st April 2018. This was definitely a good news for businesses across the nation, as they got more time to get acclimatized to the various changes brought in by the GST desk.

However the 24th general meeting which was held a couple of months back in December 2017 sprung up lots of surprises over the enrollment of E waybill into the GST tax structure. It is in this meeting, the Eway bill was advanced to further two months to 1st February 2018. Nevertheless, trial runs began in full earnest from January 15, with most states queueing up at the e-way bill portal - registering, generating, modifying and cancelling e-way bills, and the state of affairs seems under control, with over 2 lakh e-way bills being successfully generated on a daily basis. On February 01, while the nation prepared for two bigger  things the Union Budget 2018 and Eway bill enrollment for inter state movement of goods, the common portal which carried the idea of Eway bill and its process was blank shut due to technical glitches and the Eway bill was put on stay, till further notice.

Was this temporary shutdown a let down in path of aggressive towards better India which is demolished by termites like Corruption, money laundering and bribery. The answers lies in the faith that Eway bill thrusts upon to disinfect the disabilities that our tax system is experiencing till today. Are we aware of the long term benefits that Eway bill has to offer us or we want to play a blame game for placing an early bird in form of Eway bill in our hands and expecting us to streamline this into our business operations at this early stage of GST era.

As a honest taxpayer, one can totally discount all the difficulties faced in implementation of Eway bill if he dares to take the leap of faith to reap the long term benefits that Eway bill has to offer him. So it is needless to say that the nation has already fluctuate quite a bit between positive and negative thoughts regarding the e-way bill, ever since it was first visualized , and the present situation, would have surely added to the complexity. The number of e-way bills generated in the trial phase is probably testimony to the fact that, at last businesses and transporters were beginning to see the bright side, and were preparing to handle it, but with the portal playing truant on the very day the e-way bill was to become compulsory, questions could potentially be raised on how much worth, the trouble actually is.

Its right time now that we look upon the objective side of Eway bill. The present day scenario notwithstanding, technical glitches should not be the reason, to ignore the long term benefits that Eway bill has towards making India truly - one nation, one market, one tax and this should not be forgotten. Let us now enter into the world that Eway bill promises by scaling upon the benefits that Eway bill has promised to offer.

Eway bill and how’s Tally. ERP 9 upgrade going to help your business in streamlining the process of Eway bill generation in business operations : So, how to generate e way bill? You can easily set up GST Eway bill details with Tally.ERP 9 latest upgrade. You can choose the amount limit for transactions above Rs. 50,000/- which you can generate e-Way Bills and set the applicable date from when on you can start to generate e-way bills for Inter- or intra-state movements for which you would like to generate e-Way bills. Once the above settings are made in the Tally.ERP 9 software, whenever an invoice is prepared, Tally.ERP 9 would open a sub form for filing Transportation details thereby you can fill both Part A and Part B of Eway bill from Tally.ERP 9 software and then export the Eway bill into JSON supported file format to be ready to be uploaded on common portal. This way the Eway bill process gets simplified with hell of Tally s ERP Software.

Recent updates are that on February 24 a meeting of group of ministers headed by Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi, recommended April 1 as the date for compulsory implementation of the system for inter-state goods movement. However, Modi added that for intra-state movement, it would be implemented in a phased manner, with four-five states being allowed to come on board. The recommendations of the group of ministers would be considered by the GST Council during its March 10 meeting which is near by. The March 10th GST Council meeting is expected to clear the clouds surrounding Eway bill and the nation can hope that e way bill to be soon enrolled back into the system to complete the big picture of GST.

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